Prof. Emeritus Joseph Glicksohn


    I was trained in cognitive psychology (MA, PhD), with a focus on the study of subjective experience--and in particular, the microgenesis of cognition and consciousness, namely the microdevelopmental unfolding of cognition, whose earlier products, if forced into existence by whatever experimental (or natural) means, bear the hallmark of the type of cognition that one encounters in altered states of consciousness. The microgenetic approach will bring to mind Heinz Werner's general developmental approach in psychology, a viewpoint with which I have aligned myself. My research on time perception, metaphoric thinking, and personality and individual differences has progressed in parallel. I teach a BA research seminar entitled the Psychopathology of Thinking, where some of these ideas and studies are discussed, and which provides the BA student with a framework in which to conduct research in such areas as absorption, hallucinations, hypnagogia, trauma, creativity, schizophrenic thinking, nonverbal thinking, metaphor, synaesthesia, eidetic imagery, physiognomic perception, schizotypy, etc. 

    My postdoctoral training in the psychobiology of personality and cognitive neuroscience (specifically, brain imaging, EEG, neuropsychology) has served me well in establishing a solid line of research in both the Department of Criminology and the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center. I have been looking at such key areas of criminological and brain research as the study of sensation seeking, the relationship between impulsivity and time perception, and electrophysiological and neuropsychological correlates of personality traits. 

    My research within the field of personality has explored those traits having a psychobiological base, such as sensation seeking, impulsivity and the Eysenckian Big Three. I am particularly interested in the interactive nature of the personality traits, having an orientation which is clearly Gestalt-based, going back to Allport and, in turn, the influence of Gestalt psychology on his theorizing. This basic research into the stucture of personality has, of course, direct implications for the study of criminality--the traits under investigation being major predictors of both antisocial and prosocial behaviour. 

    I have an ongoing interest in analyzing the EEG both as a correlate of subjective experience, personality and cognitive functioning, and as a substantive domain in itself. In the latter respect, I am interested in the regularization of the EEG using photic stimulation, in individual differences in EEG profile, and in understanding the dynamics of EEG alpha and theta (power and coherence) and their relationship to ongoing state of consciousness, and underlying personality trait. My research on time perception has developed into a more detailed psychophysical approach, which is currently being investigated with the aid of the EEG. 

    I teach an MA research seminar entitled the Psychobiological Profile of Personality, where some of these ideas and studies are discussed, and which serves as a base for further study. By far, this is the type of research that is most attractive to my graduate students, who usually continue working with me on their Ph.Ds after completing an MA thesis with me (which we endeavor to pull out as a joint publication). 

    My research and areas of interest are interdisciplinary (the study of metaphor, the study of consciousness, the study of time, the study of personality). My work on metaphoric thinking, in particular, has developed into a broadly interdisciplinary approach, which bridges between cognitive psychology and literary criticism, and this work with Chanita Goodblatt has been published in such prestigious journals (special issues) as Poetics Today and Style, as well as being presented at various recent conferences. Our approach is Gestalt-oriented, and we employ the technique of the verbal protocol to investigate how readers grapple with the intricacies of the poetic text and of the metaphors appearing therein. 

    Professional Affiliations: 

    American Psychological Association (Foreign Affiliate); Association for Psychological Science; Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) Affiliate; British Psychological Society (Foreign Affiliate); European Association of Personality Psychology; European Society for Cognitive Psychology; International Society for Psychophysics; International Society for Research on Impulsivity; International Society for the Study of Individual Differences; International Society for the Study of Time; Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology; Israeli Society for Criminology. 


    Acta Psychologica; Advances in Cognitive Psychology; American Journal of Psychology; Applied Cognitive Psychology; Assessment; Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics; Brain and Cognition; British Journal of Psychology; Cambridge University Press; Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology; Cognitive Processing; Consciousness and Cognition; Current Psychology; Developmental Neuropsychology; Eidos; Elsevier; European Journal of Cognitive Psychology; European Review of Applied Psychology; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Frontiers in Psychology; Human Brain Mapping; Intellectica; International Journal of Behavioral Development; International Journal of Parapsychology; International Journal of Psychology; International Journal of Psychophysiology; John Benjamins Press; Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Journal of Consciousness Studies; Journal of Individual Differences; Journal of Research in Personality; Journal of Social and Personal Relationships; KronoScope; Learning and Individual Differences; Memory & Cognition; Mind & Matter; Mindfulness; Military Psychology; NeuroQuantology; Neuroscience Letters; New Ideas in Psychology; Open University, England; Open University, Israel; Perception; Perceptual and Motor Skills; Personality and Individual Differences; Personality Neuroscience; PLoS ONE; Poetics Today;  Pragmatics & Cognition;  Progress in Brain Research; PsyArt; PsyCh Journal; Psychiatry Research; Psychological Record; Psychological Reports; Psychological Research; Psychology of Consciousness; Psychometrika; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Psychotherapy Research; Self and Identity; Style; The European Legacy; The Journal of Mind and Behavior.


    Sensation seeking and prosocial behavior

    Impulsivity and antisocial behavior

    The structure of personality

    Individual differences in cognitive functioning

    Cognitive psychopathology

    Electrophysiology, personality, cognition and consciousness

    Time perception, time perspective and impulsive decision making

    Problem solving, metaphor and cognitive style



    1.         Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (2022).  The gestalts of mind and text.  London:  Routledge.

    BOOKS (Editor)

    1.    Glicksohn, J. (Ed.). (2002). The neurobiology of criminal behavior. Boston: Kluwer Academic.


    2.      Glicksohn, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (Eds.). (2006). Timing the future:  The case for a time-based prospective memory. London: World Scientific.



    1.     Myslobodsky, M. S., van Praag, H., Bar-Ziv, J., &  Glicksohn, J. (1990).  The contribution of  calvarial and brain parenchymal variables to VEP asymmetries.  In C. H. M. Brunia, A. W. K. Gaillard, & A. Kok (Eds.), Psychophysiological brain research (Vol. 1, pp. 83-86). Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.


    2.    Glicksohn, J. (2002). Criminality, personality and cognitive neuroscience. In J. Glicksohn (Ed.), The neurobiology of criminal behavior (pp. 3-24). Boston: Kluwer Academic.


    3.  Glicksohn, J. (2003). Disentangling the components of a multiplicative function for apparent duration. In B. Berglund & E. Borg (Eds.), Fechner Day 2003:  Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 109-114). Stockholm: International Society for Psychophysics.


    4.  Glicksohn, J. (2004). Sex differences in prospective timing:  Can one pinpoint the effect? In A. M. Oliveira, M. Teixara, G. F. Borges, & M. J. Ferro (Eds.), Fechner Day 2004:  Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 152-157). Coimbra: International Society for Psychophysics.


    5.     Glicksohn, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (2006). What it takes to remember the future. In J. Glicksohn & M. S. Myslobodsky (Eds.), Timing the future: The case for a time-based prospective memory (pp. 263-306). London: World Scientific.


    6.  Lipperman-Kreda, S., & Glicksohn, J. (2006). Time perception in the deep blue sea. In D. E. Kornbrot, R. M. Msetfi, & A. W. MacRae (Eds.), Fechner Day 2006: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 295-210). St. Albans: International Society for Psychophysics.


    7.     Glicksohn, J. (2008). Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue:  Microgenesis in the 21st century.  In G. J. W. Smith & I. M. Carlsson (Eds.), Process and personality:  Actualization of the personal world with process-oriented methods (pp. 241-262).  Frankfurt:  Ontos Verlag.


    8.      Glicksohn, J., Berkovich Ohana, A., Balaban Dotan, T., Goldstein, A., & Donchin, O. (2009). Time production and peak alpha frequency:  The search continues. In M. A. Elliott, S. Antonijevic, S. Berthaud, P. Mulcahy  B. Bargary, C. Martyn & H. Schmidt (Eds.), Fechner Day 2009:  Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 435-440). Galway: International Society for Psychophysics.


    9.  Glicksohn, J. (2011). Schizophrenia and psychosis. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Prizker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 325-330). San Diego: Academic Press.


    10.  Glicksohn, J. (2011). Synesthesia. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Prizker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 403-408). San Diego: Academic Press.


    11.   Glicksohn, J., Dotan Ben Soussan, T., Berkovich Ohana, A., Goldstein, A., & Donchin, O. (2010). Time production, peak alpha frequency and sex differences:  The plot thickens. In A. Bastianelli & G. Vidotto (Eds.), Fechner Day 2010:  Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 123-128). Padua: International Society for Psychophysics.


    12.    Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2011). Temporal cognition changes following Mindfulness, but not Transcendental Meditation practice. In D. Algom, D. Zakay, E. Chajut, S. Shaki, Y. Mama & V. Shakuf (Eds.), Fechner Day 2011:  Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 245-250). Raanana, Israel: International Society for Psychophysics.


    13.   Dotan Ben-Soussan, T., Glicksohn, J., Berkovich Ohana, A., Donchin, O., & Goldstein, A. (2011). Step in time:  Changes in EEG coherence during a time estimation task following Quadrato motor training. In D. Algom, D. Zakay, E. Chajut, S. Shaki, Y. Mama & V. Shakuf (Eds.), Fechner Day 2011:  Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 239-244). Raanana, Israel: International Society for Psychophysics.


    14.    Glicksohn, J., & Leshem, R. (2011). Reproduction of duration:  How should I count the ways? In A. Vatakis, A. Esposito, M. Giagkou, F. Cummins & G. Papadelis (Eds.), Multidisciplinary aspects of time and time perception:  COST TD0904 International Workshop, Athens, Greece, October 7-8, 2010, revised selected papers (pp. 79-91). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.


    15.   Glicksohn, J., & Berkovich-Ohana, A. (2012). Absorption, immersion, and consciousness. In J. Gackenbach (Ed.), Video game play and consciousness (pp. 83-99). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


    16.  Glicksohn, J., & Zuckerman, M. (2013). Sensation seeking. In D. S. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.


    17.  Glicksohn, J., & Naor-Ziv, R. (2015).  Diathesis-stress model. In A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology (pp1101-1104).  New York: Sage.


    18.  Glicksohn, J., & Naor-Ziv, R. (2020). Personality and risk-seeking. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief) & J. S. Mio & R. E. Riggio (Vol. Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Vol. IV. Clinical, applied, and cross-cultural research (pp. 399-403.  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


    19.  Glicksohn, J., Naor-Ziv, R., & Leshem, R. (2018).  Sensation seeking and risk-taking.  In M. M. Martel (Ed.), Developmental pathways to disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders (pp. 183-208).  New York:  Elsevier.


    20.  Paoletti, P., Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2017). Inner design technology: improved affect by Quadrato Motor Training. In B. Ferry (Ed.), The amygdala-Where emotions shape perception, learning and memories (pp. 27-41). Rijeka:  InTech.


    21.  Paoletti, P., Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2020). Inner Navigation and Theta Activity: From Movement to Cognition and Hypnosis According to the Sphere Model of Consciousness. In C. Mordeniz (Ed.), Hypnotherapy and hypnosis (pp. 27-41). Rijeka:  InTech.


    22.  Marson, F., Paoletti, P., Lasaponara, Glicksohn, J., De Fano, A., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2020).Cerebral spectral perturbations during upper limb diagonal movements. In R. Vinjamuri (Ed.), Advances in neural signal processing (pp. 11-31). Rijeka:  InTech.


    23.  Naor-Ziv, R., & Glicksohn, J. (2020). Using POSAC to reveal the hierarchical structure of the body image.  In S. Shye, E. Solomon, & I. Borg (Eds.), Conference Proceedings:  17th International Facet Theory Conference (pp. 91-96).  New York: bepress Fordham University (


    24. Glicksohn, J., & Goodblatt, C. (2021).  Empirical studies of poetic metaphor.  In D. Kuiken & A. M. Jacobs (Eds.), Handbook of empirical literary studies (pp. 121-143).  Amsterdam:  de Gruyter.


    1.   Zakay, D., Nitzan, D., & Glicksohn, J. (1983). The influence of task difficulty and external tempo on subjective time estimation. Perception & Psychophysics, 34, 451-456. 


    2.     Zakay, D., & Glicksohn, J. (1985). Stimulus congruity and S-R compatibility as determinants of interference in a Stroop-like task. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 39, 414-423.


    3.     Glicksohn, J. (1986). Psi and altered states of consciousness: The "missing" link. Journal of Parapsychology, 50, 213-233.


    4.     Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (1986). Cognitive psychology and Whitman's 'Song of Myself'. Mosaic, 19, 83-90.


    5.    Glicksohn, J. (1986-87). Photic driving and altered states of consciousness:  An exploratory study. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 6, 167-182.


    6. Glicksohn, J. (1987). Hypnotic behavior revisited: A trait-context interaction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 774-775.


    7.    Glicksohn, J. (1989). The structure of subjective experience:  Interdependencies along the sleep-wakefulness continuum. Journal of Mental Imagery, 13, 99-106.


    8.     Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (1989-90). The poetics  of meditation:  Whitman's meditative catalog. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 75-86.


    9.  Myslobodsky, M. S., Bar-Ziv, J., van Praag, H., & Glicksohn, J. (1989). Bilateral alpha distribution and anatomic brain asymmetries. Brain Topography, 1, 229-235.


    10.   Glicksohn, J. (1990). Belief in the paranormal and subjective paranormal experience. Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 675-683.


    11.   Glicksohn, J., Friedland, G., & Salach-Nachum, A. (1990-91). Systematic self-observation of entoptic phenomena and their relation to hypnagogia. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 10, 269-278.


    12.  Glicksohn, J. (1991). Cutting the "Gordonian Knot" using absorption and dream recall. Journal of Mental Imagery, 15, 49-54.


    13.  Myslobodsky, M., Glicksohn, J., Coppola, R., & Weinberger, D. R. (1991). Occipital lobe morphology in normal individuals assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Vision Research, 31, 1677-1685.


    14.  Glicksohn, J. (1991). The induction of an altered state of consciousness as a function of sensory environment and experience seeking. Personality and Individual Differences, 12, 1057-1066.


    15.  Glicksohn, J., Tsur, R., & Goodblatt, C. (1991). Absorption and trance-inductive poetry. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 9, 115-122.


    16.  Glicksohn, J., Mourad, B., & Pavell, E. (1991-92). Imagination, absorption and subjective time estimation. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 11, 167-176.


    17.  Tsur, R., Glicksohn, J., & Goodblatt, C. (1991). Gestalt qualities in poetry and the reader's absorption style. Journal of Pragmatics, 16, 487-500.


    18.  Glicksohn, J., Salinger, O., & Roychman, A. (1992). An exploratory study of syncretic experience: Eidetics, synaesthesia and absorption. Perception, 21, 637-642.


    19.  Zakay, D., & Glicksohn, J. (1992). Overconfidence in a multiple-choice test and its relationship to achievement. The Psychological Record, 42, 519-524.


    20.  Glicksohn, J. (1992). Subjective time estimation in altered sensory environments. Environment and Behavior, 24, 634-652.


    21.  Glicksohn, J., & Goodblatt, C. (1993). Metaphor and Gestalt: Interaction theory revisited. Poetics Today, 14, 83-97.


    22.  Glicksohn, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (1993). The representation of patterns of structural brain asymmetry in normal individuals. Neuropsychologia, 31, 145-159.


    23.  Glicksohn, J. (1993). Altered sensory environments, altered states of consciousness and altered-state cognition. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 14, 1-12.


    24.  Glicksohn, J. (1993). Putting consciousness in a box: Once more around the track. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16, 404-404.


    25.  Glicksohn, J., Kraemer, S., & Yisraeli, O. (1993). A note on metaphoric thinking and ideational fluency. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 8, 67-70.


    26.  Glicksohn, J., Kapelusshnik, J., Bar-Ziv, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (1993). A new view on sleep position via head slant. Functional Neurology, 8, 347-350.


    27.  Glicksohn, J. (1993-94). Rating the incidence of an altered state of consciousness as a function of the rater's own absorption score. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 13, 225-228.


    28. Glicksohn, J. (1994). Rotation, orientation and cognitive mapping. American Journal of Psychology, 107, 39-52.


    29. Glicksohn, J., & Zakay, D. (1994). Confidence in overconfidence. The Psychological Record, 44, 257-258.


    30.  Glicksohn, J. (1994). Putting interaction theory to the empirical test: Some  promising results. Pragmatics & Cognition, 2, 223-235.


    31.  Soroker, N., Cohen, T., Baratz, C., Glicksohn, J., & Myslobodsky, M. (1994). Is there a place for ipsilesional eye patching in neglect rehabilitation? Behavioural Neurology, 7, 159-164.


    32.  Glicksohn, J. (1995). "Multiple drafts" of subjective experience viewed within a microgenetic framework for cognition and consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, 807-808.


    33.  Mintz, M., Hermesh, H., Glicksohn, J., Munitz, H., & Radwan, M. (1995). First month of neuroleptic treatment in schizophrenia: Only partial normalization of the late positive components of visual ERP. Biological Psychiatry, 37, 402-409.


    34.  Myslobodsky, M. S., Glicksohn, J., Singer, J., Stern, M., Bar-Ziv, J., Friedland, N., & Bleich, A. (1995). Changes of brain anatomy in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder:  A pilot magnetic resonance imaging study. Psychiatry Research:  Neuroimaging, 58, 259-264.


    35.  Serfaty, C., Soroker, N., Glicksohn, J., Sepkuti, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (1995). Does monocular viewing improve target detection in hemispatial neglect? Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 9, 77-83.


    36.  Glicksohn, J., Gvirtsman, D., & Offer, S. (1995-96). The compensatory nature of mood:  A single-subject time-series approach. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 15, 385-396.


    37.  Ben-Artsy, A., Glicksohn, J., Soroker, N., Margalit, M., & Myslobodsky, M. (1996). An assessment of hemineglect in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Developmental Neuropsychology, 12, 271-281.


    38.  Glicksohn, J. (1996). Entering trait and context into a cognitive-timer model for time estimation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 16, 361-370.


    39.  Soroker, N., Calamaro, N., Glicksohn, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (1997). Auditory inattention in right-hemisphere-damaged patients with and without visual neglect. Neuropsychologia, 35, 249-256.


    40.  Glicksohn, J., & Ron-Avni, R. (1997). The relationship between preference for temporal conceptions and time estimation. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 9, 1-15.


    41.  Cohen-Raz, L., Bozna, M., & Glicksohn, J. (1997). Figure and ground in the perception of crime severity. International Journal of Group Tensions, 27, 151-158.


    42.  Glicksohn, J., & Avnon, M. (1997-98). Explorations in virtual reality:  Absorption, cognition and altered state of consciousness. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 17, 141-151.


    43.  Glicksohn, J. (1998). The anomaly of the anomalous. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21, 301-302.


    44.  Glicksohn, J., Golan, H., & Krasner, E. (1998). Do coping styles influence the way we judge criminal offenses?  A preliminary investigation. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 42, 133-140.


    45.  Glicksohn, J., & Yafe, T. (1998). Physiognomic perception and metaphoric thinking in young children. Metaphor and Symbol, 13, 179-204.


    46.  Glicksohn, J., & Abulafia, J. (1998). Embedding sensation seeking within the big three. Personality and Individual Differences, 25, 1085-1099.


    47.  Glicksohn, J. (1998). States of consciousness and symbolic cognition. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 19, 105-118.


    48.  Glicksohn, J., Balmor-Braun, I., Bar-Ziv, J., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (1998). Is spatial orientation influenced by the calcification of intracranial structures? International Journal of Neuroscience, 96, 73-85.


    49.  Glicksohn, J., Steinbach, I., & Elimalach-Malmilyan, S. (1999). Cognitive dedifferentiation in eidetics and synaesthesia: Hunting for the ghost once more. Perception, 28, 109-120.


    50.  Glicksohn, J., & Cohen, Y. (2000). Can music alleviate cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia? Psychopathology, 33, 43-47.


    51.  Glicksohn, J., & Bozna, M. (2000). Developing a personality profile of the bomb-disposal expert: The role of sensation seeking and field dependence-independence. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 85-92.


    52.  Glicksohn, J., Alon, A., Perlmutter, A., & Purisman, R. (2000). Symbolic and syncretic cognition among schizophrenics and visual artists. Creativity Research Journal, 13, 133-143.


    53.  Glicksohn, J., & Golan, H. (2001). Personality, cognitive style and assortative mating. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1199-1209.


    54.  Glicksohn, J. (2001). Temporal cognition and the phenomenology of time: A multiplicative function for apparent duration. Consciousness and Cognition, 10, 1-25.


    55.  Glicksohn, J. (2001). Metaphor and consciousness: The path less taken. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 22, 343-363.


    56.  Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (2002). Metaphor comprehension as problem solving: An online study of the reading process. Style, 36, 428-445.


    57.  Glicksohn, J., & Barrett, T. R. (2003). Absorption and hallucinatory experience. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, 833-849.


    58. Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (2003). From Practical Criticism to the practice of literary criticism. Poetics Today, 24, 207-236.


    59.  Glicksohn, J., Ben-Shalom, U., & Lazar, M. (2004). Elements of unacceptable risk taking in combat units: An exercise in offender profiling. Journal of Research in Personality, 38, 203-215.


    60.  Glicksohn, J. (2004). From methodology to data analysis: Prospects for the n = 1 intrasubject design. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 264-266.


    61.  Stern, B., Glicksohn, J., Stern, M., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (2004). Profiles of patients with a history of mild head injury. International Journal of Neuroscience, 114, 1223-1237.


    62.   Glicksohn, J., & Bar-El, I. (2004-2005). Assessing personality and cognitive psychopathology in psychiatric patients. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 24, 25-40.


    63.  Glicksohn, J. (2004). Absorption, hallucinations, and the continuum hypothesis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 793-794.


    64.  Glicksohn, J., & Naftuliev, Y. (2005). In search of an electrophysiological index for psychoticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 1083-1092.


    65.   Glicksohn, J., Leshem, R., & Aharoni, R. (2006). Impulsivity and time estimation: Casting a net to catch a fish. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 261-271.


    66.   Glicksohn, J., & Nahari, G. (2007). Interacting personality traits?  Smoking as a test case. European Journal of Personality, 21, 225-234.


    67.   Nachson, I., Read, J. D., Seelau, S. M., Goodyear-Smith, F., Lobb, B., Davies, G., Glicksohn, J., Lifschitz, M., & Brimacombe, E. (2007). Effect of prior knowledge and expert statement on belief in recovered memories:  An international perspective. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 30, 224-236.


    68.   Glicksohn, J., Naor-Ziv, R., & Leshem, R. (2007). Impulsive decision making:  Learning to gamble wisely? Cognition105, 195-205.


    69.  Glicksohn, J., Naftuliev, Y., & Golan-Smooha, H. (2007). Extraversion, psychoticism, sensation seeking and field dependence-independence:  Will the true relationship please reveal itself? Personality and Individual Differences42, 1175-1185.


    70.   Leshem, R., & Glicksohn, J. (2007). The construct of impulsivity revisited. Personality and Individual Differences43, 681-691.


    71.  Glicksohn, J., & Lipperman-Kreda, S. (2007). Time, thought, and consciousness. The Journal of Mind and Behavior28, 289-305.


    72.  Nahari, G., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2009). Do textual features affect credibility judgment? It all depends on who is the judge. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 288-295.


    73.  Glicksohn, J., & Kinberg, Z. (2009). Performance on embedded figures tests:  Profiling individual differences. Journal of Individual Differences, 30, 152-162.


    74.  Glicksohn, J., Berkovich Ohana, A., Balaban Dotan, T., Goldstein, A., & Donchin, O. (2009). Time production and EEG alpha revisited. NeuroQuantology, 7, 138-151.

    DOI: 10.14704/nq.2009.7.1.215


    75.   Shechory, M., Nachson, I., & Glicksohn, J. (2010). Effects of stereotypes and suggestion on memory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 54, 113-128.


    76.  Glicksohn, J., & Zilberman, N. (2010). Gambling on individual differences in decision making. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 557-562.


    77.  Nahari, G., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2010). Credibility judgments of narratives: Language, plausibility, and absorption. American Journal of Psychology, 123, 319-335.


    78.  Lipperman-Kreda, S., & Glicksohn, J. (2010). Personality and cognitive-style profile of antisocial and prosocial adolescents: A brief report. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 54, 850-856.


    79.  Glicksohn, J., & Yonai, S. (2010). Creativity and impulsivity in the lab:  A microgenetic approach. Creativity Research Journal, 22, 397-401.


    80.  Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (2010). Conversations with I.A. Richards:  The renaissance in cognitive literary studies. Poetics Today, 31, 387-432.


    81.  Glicksohn, J., & Rechtman, S. (2011). Profiling the profilers: Who is watching our backs? Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 755-758.


    82.  Glicksohn, J., & Berkovich Ohana, A. (2011). From trance to transcendence: A neurocognitive approach. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 32, 49-62.


    83.  Glicksohn, J., & Hadad, Y. (2012). Sex differences in time production revisited. Journal of Individual Differences, 33, 35-42.


    84.  Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2012). Mindfulness-induced changes in gamma band activity - implications for the default mode network, self-reference and attention. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123, 700-710.


    85.  Leshem, R., & Glicksohn, J. (2012). A critical look at the relationship between impulsivity and decision-making in adolescents:  Are they related or separate factors? Developmental Neuropsychology, 37, 712-731.


    86.  Dotan Ben-Soussan, T., Glicksohn, J., Goldstein, A., Berkovich-Ohana, A., & Donchin, O. (2013). Into the square and out of the box:  The effects of Quadrato Motor Training on creativity and alpha coherence. PLoS ONE, 8, e55023.


    87. Dor-Ziderman, Y., Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2013). Mindfulness-induced selflessness:  A MEG neurophenomenological study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, article 582.


    88. Ben-Shalom, U., & Glicksohn, J. (2013). Dimensions of operational stress and forms of unacceptable risk-taking with small arms. Military Psychology, 25, 319-329.


    89. Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2013). Studying the default mode and its mindfulness-induced changes using EEG functional connectivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 1-9.


    90.  Yonai, S., Levine, S. Z., & Glicksohn, J. (2013). Elaboration on specialization in crime: Disaggregating age-cohort effects. Crime & Delinquency, 59, 951-970.


    91. Yonai, S., Levine, S. Z., & Glicksohn, J. (2013). A national population-based examination of the association between age-versatility trajectories and recidivism rates. Journal of Criminal Justice41, 467-476.


    92.  Yonai, S., Levine, S. Z., & Glicksohn, J. (2015). Trajectories of crime and familial characteristics:  A longitudinal national population-based study. Crime & Delinquency, 61, 927-949


    93.  Berkovich-Ohana, A., Dor-Ziderman, Y., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2013). Alterations in the sense of time, space and body in the mindfulness-trained brain:  A neurophenomenologically-guided MEG study. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, article 912.


    94.  Glicksohn, J., & Goodblatt, C. (2014). Reclaiming I. A. Richards:  Review of I. A. Richards and the Rise of Cognitive StylisticsPoetics Today, 35, 173-189.


    95.  Ben-Soussan, T. D., Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., & Goldstein, A. (2014). A suspended act:  Increased reflectivity and gender-dependent electrophysiological change following Quadrato Motor Training. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, article 55.


    96.  Berkovich-Ohana, A., & Glicksohn, J. (2014). The consciousness state space (CSS)—a unifying model for consciousness and self. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, article 341.


    97.  Ben-Soussan, T. D., Avirame, K., Glicksohn, J., Goldstein, A., Harpaz, Y., & Ben-Schachar, M. (2014). Changes in cerebellar activity and inter-hemispheric coherence accompany improved reading capacity following Quadrato Motor training. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8, article 81.


    98.  Nahari, G., Sheinfeld, V., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2015). Serial reproduction of traumatic events:  Does the chain unravel? Cognitive Processing, 16, 111-120.


    99.  Ben-Soussan, T. D., Glicksohn, J., & Berkovich-Ohana, A. (2015).  From cerebellar activation and connectivity to cognition:  A review of the Quadrato Motor Training.  BioMed Research International, article 954901.


    100.  Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J.  (2016). Bidirectionality in poetic metaphor:  William Carlos Williams and Imagist poetry.  Versus. Quaderni di studi semiotici, 122, 93-110.


    101.  Glicksohn, J., & Boikova, O. (2018). Mood and creativity over time in a bipolar participant. Journal of Creative Behavior, 52(1), 66-79


    102.  Ben-Soussan, T. D., Berkovich-Ohana, A., Piervincenzi, C., Glicksohn, J., & Carducci, F. (2015). Embodied cognitive flexibility and neuroplasticity following Quadrato Motor Training. Frontiers in Psychology6, article 1021


    103.  Ben-Soussan, T. D., Berkovich-Ohana, A., & Glicksohn, J. (2017). Attentional effort, mindfulness and altered states of consciousness experiences following Quadrato Motor Training. Mindfulness, 8, 59-67.


    104.  Berkovich-Ohana, A., & Glicksohn, J. (2017). Meditation, absorption, transcendent experience and affect:  Tying it all together by the Consciousness State Space (CSS) model. Mindfulness, 8, 68-77.


    105.  Glicksohn, J., & Yaniv, H. (2016). Visual hybrids induce anxiety:  A microgenetic approach. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 3, 239-257.


    106.  Rossier, J., Aluja, A., Blanch, A., Barry, O., Hansenne, M., Carvalho, A., Valdivia, M., Wang, W., Desrichard, O., Hyphantis, T., Suranyi, Z., Glicksohn, J., De Pascalis, V., Leon-Mayer, E., Piskunov, A., Stivers, A., Morizot, J., Ostendorf, F., Cekrlija, D., Bellaj, T., Markiewicz, D., Motevalian, A., & Karagonlar, G. (2016). Cross-cultural generalizability of the alternative five-factor model using the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire. European Journal of Personality, 30, 139-157.


    107.  Naor-Ziv, R., & Glicksohn, J. (2016).  Investigating cognitive deficits as risk factors for developing eating disorders during adolescence.  Developmental Neuropsychology, 41, 107-124.


    108.  Zuckerman, M., & Glicksohn, J. (2016).  Hans Eysenck’s personality model and the constructs of sensation seeking and impulsivity.  Personality and Individual Differences, 103, 48-52.


    109.  Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (2017).  Discordia Concors and bidirectionality:  Embodied cognition in John Donne’s Songs and Sonnets.  Poetics Today, 38, 163-188.


    110.  Goodblatt, C., & Glicksohn, J. (2017).  Bidirectionality and metaphor:  An introduction.  Poetics Today, 38, 1-14.


    111.  Glicksohn, J., & Naor-Ziv, R. (2016). Personality profiling of pilots: traits and cognitive style. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 2, 7-14.


    112.  Glicksohn, J., Hadad, Y., & Ben-Yaacov, T. (2016). “Now you see me, now you don’t”: The assessment of impulsivity.  Cogent Psychology, 3, article 1242682.


    113.  Berkovich-Ohana, A., Glicksohn, J., Ben-Soussan, T. D., & Goldstein, A. (2017). Creativity is enhanced by long-term mindfulness training, and is negatively correlated with trait default-mode-related low-gamma inter-hemispheric connectivity. Mindfulness8, 717-727.


    114.  Glicksohn, J., Berkovich-Ohana, A., Mauro, F., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2017). Time perception and the experience of time when immersed in an altered sensory environment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience11, article 487.


    115.  Glicksohn, J., Golan-Smooha, H., Naor-Ziv, R., Aluja, A., & Zuckerman, M. (2018). Uncovering the structure of personality space, with a focus on the ZKA-PQ.  International Journal of Personality Psychology, 4, 13-24.


    116.  Ben-Yaacov, T., & Glicksohn, J. (2018).  Intelligence and psychopathy: A study on non-incarcerated females from the normal population. Cogent Psychology, 5, article 1429519


    117.  Glicksohn, J. (2018).  Bidirectionality and interaction in metaphor comprehension and metaphor production: A Reply to Mark J. Bruhn.  Poetics Today, 39(4), 735-739.


    118.  Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2018).  Gender-dependent changes in time production following Quadrato Motor Training in dyslexic and normal readers.  Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12, article 71.


    119.  Nissim, M., Ram-Tsur, R., Glicksohn, J., Zion, M., Mevarech, Z., Harpaz, Y., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2018).  Effects of aquatic motor intervention on verbal working memory and brain activity—A pilot study.  Mind, Brain, and Education, 12(2), 90-99.


    120.  Glicksohn, J., & Berkovich-Ohana, A. (2019).  When meditators avoid counting during time production things get interesting.  PsyCh Journal, 8(1), 17-27.


    121. Ben-Soussan, T.D., Glicksohn, J., De Fano, A., Mauro, F.  Modica, M., & Pesce, C. (2019). Embodied time: Time production in advanced Quadrato and Aikido practitioners.  PsyCh Journal, 8(1), 8-16.


    122. Ben-Soussan, T. D., Mauro, F., Lasaponara, S., Glicksohn, J., Marson, F., & Berkovich-Ohana, A. (2018). Fully immersed: State absorption and electrophysiological effects of the OVO Whole-Body Perceptual Deprivation chamber.  Progress in Brain Research, 244, 165-184.


    123.  Lasaponara, S., Glicksohn, J., Mauro, F., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2018).  Contingent negative variation and P3 modulations following sensorimotor trainingProgress in Brain Research, 244, 101-114.


    124.  De Fano, A., Mauro, F., Modica, M., Pesce, C., Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2018).  Divergent thinking and homolateral interlimb coordination among Mindful Movement practitioners.  Brain, Body, Cognition, 8, 49-60.


    125.  Verdone, L., Caserta, M., Vetriani, V., Glicksohn, J.,Venditti, S., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2018).  Molecular and cognitive effects of Quadrato Motor Training in adult dyslexia:  A longitudinal case study. Brain, Body, Cognition, 8, 37-44.


    126. Glicksohn, J., Berkovich-Ohana, A., Mauro, F., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2019).  Individual EEG alpha profiles are gender-dependent and indicate subjective experiences in whole-body perceptual deprivation.  Neuropsychologia, 125, 81-92.


    127.  Aluja, A., Rossier, J., Oumar, B., García, L. F., Bellaj, T., Ostendorf, F., Ruch, W., Wang, W., Kövi, Z., Ścigała, D., Čekrlija, Đ., Stivers, A. W., Di Blas, L., Valdivia, M., Ben Jamaa, S., Atitsogbe, K. A., Hansenne, M., & Glicksohn, J. (2020). Multicultural validation of the Zuckerman–Kuhlman–Aluja Personality Questionnaire Shortened Form (ZKA-PQ/SF) across 18 countries. Assessment, 27(4), 728-748.


    128. Kövi, Z., Aluja, A., Glicksohn, J., Blanch, A., Morizot, J., Wang, W., Barry, O., Hansenne, M., Carvalho, A., Valdivia, M., & Desrichard, O. (2019). Cross-country analysis of alternative five factor personality trait profiles. Personality and Individual Differences143, 7-12.


    129.  Glicksohn, J. (2019).  Patterns of occurrence of four states of consciousness as a function of trait Absorption.  Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 5, 27-36.


    130. Ben-Yaacov, T., & Glicksohn, J. (2020).  Psychopathy, impulsivity, and personality structure.  Personality and Individual Differences, 161.


    131.  Naor-Ziv, R., King, R., & Glicksohn, J. (2020).  Rank-order of body shapes reveals internal hierarchy of body image.  Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 6, 28-38.


    132.  Yefet, M., & Glicksohn, J. (2020).  Examining the influence of mood on the bright side and the dark side of creativity.  Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(2), 337-347.


    133.  Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T.D. (2020).  Immersion, absorption, and spiritual experience:  Some preliminary findings.  Frontiers in Psychology, 11, article 2118.


    134.  Pintimalli, A., Di Giuseppe, T., Serantoni, G., Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2020).  Dynamics of the sphere model of consciousness:  Silence, space, and self.  Frontiers in Psychology, 11, article 548813.


    135.  Ben-Soussan, T. D., Marson, F., Piervincenzi, C., Glicksohn, J., De Fano, A., Amenduni, F., Quattrocchi, C. C., & Carducci, F. (2020).  Correlates of silence:  Enhanced microstructural changes in the uncinate fasciculus.  Frontiers in Psychology, 11, article 543773.


    136.  Naor-Ziv, R., Bernaz Lavi, A., & Glicksohn, J. (2021).  Empathizing-systemizing:  From style to intent.  Personality and Individual Differences, 179,.


    137.  Yaniv, H., & Glicksohn, J. (2021).  Perception and aggressive ideation:  A microgenetic approach.  Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 8(4), 311-334.


    138.  García, L. F., Aluja, A., Rossier, J., Ostendorf, F., Glicksohn, J., Oumar, B., Bellaj, T., Ruch, W., Wang, W., Kövi, Z., & Ścigała, D. (2021). Exploring the stability of HEXACO‐60 structure and the association of gender, age, and social position with personality traits across 18 countries. Journal of Personality.


    139.  Marson, F., Fano, A. D., Pellegrino, M., Pesce, C., Glicksohn, J., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2021). Age-related differential effects of school-based sitting and movement meditation on creativity and spatial cognition: A pilot study. Children8(7), 583.


    140.  Aluja, A., García, L. F., Rossier, J., Ostendorf, F., Glicksohn, J., Oumar, B., ... & Hansenne, M. (2022). Dark Triad traits, social position, and personality: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 00220221211072816.


    141.  Naor-Ziv, R., Glicksohn, J., & Aluja, A. (2022).  Locating the Dark Triad in a multidimensional personality space.  Spanish Journal of Psychology, 25, 1-15.


    142.  Glicksohn, J., & Weisinger, B. (2022). Time production intensively studied in one observer. Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 8(1), 24-36.


    143.  Glicksohn, J. (2022). From illusion to reality and back in time perception Frontiers in Psychology, 13.


    144.  Pellegrino, M., Glicksohn, J., Marson, F., Ferraiuolo, F., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2023). The cloud of unknowing: Cognitive dedifferentiation in whole-body perceptual deprivation. Progress in Brain Research, 277, 109-140.


    145.  Pintimalli, A., Glicksohn, J., Marson, F., Di Giuseppe, T., & Ben-Soussan, T. D. (2023). Change in time perception following the Place of Pre-existence technique:. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4).


    146.  Haroun, D., Amram, Y., & Glicksohn, J. (2023). Seeing the darkness:  Identifying the Dark Triad from emotionally neutral faces. Current Psychology.

    Last Updated Date : 07/10/2024