Current Events

This page is updated from time to time with current events from the research and academic activities of the faculty, alumni, and students in the department, in addition to their activities in the field of criminology.

A conference for the publication of the 21st issue of the pamphlet 

"A Window to Prison - Offenses and Punishments in Israel"

On Wednesday November 24th, 2021, a conference was held in the Department of Criminology in collaboration with the Israel Prison Service on the publication of the 21st issue of "A Window to Prison - Offenses and Punishments in Israel."

The conference opened with an introduction from the head of the department, Prof. Galit Nahari and from the Israel Prison Service Commissioner, Major-General Katy Perry. Afterwards, eight of the authors who published in the pamphlet presented the main points of their articles in response to guiding questions. Alongside the articles, Mr. Shlomi Alon, Etty Alon's ex-husband, presented her embezzlement story from the family's point of view. Furthermore, a released prisoner of domestic violence presented the significant treatment he underwent in the inmates' ward and the change that has taken place since then (his wife, who sat next to him, nodded her head throughout in agreement).

The seminar ended with a "round table" on the subject of "The Future of Prisons." Judge Dr. Avi Tenenbaum, Major Hezi Markowitz of the Israel Prison Service, and Prof. Natti Ronel of the Department of Criminology took part in it. All three, despite disagreements between them, concurred on the expectation that the prisons will undergo significant changes in the near future, whether while drastically reducing the number of prisoners beyond providing alternatives to imprisonment, or while emphasizing treatment and rehabilitation as the main purpose of imprisonment. The conference was impressively moderated by the graduate student in rehabilitative criminology - Ariel Bekal, and the education officer Hila Hogeg from the Israel Prison spokesmen.


"Choosing Life" from the Faculty of Law and the Department of Criminology

The Rackman Center in the Faculty of Law, and the Department of Criminology have opened a joint group for women in difficult divorce proceedings and separation from unhealthy relationships, providing emotional support and a place of security, of "togetherness", discussing, listening, and helping women cope with the various stages of separation and divorce.


A single major study program for an undergrade degree (extended)

Head of the Undergraduate Program: Prof. Sophie Walsh

An extended undergraduate study program was opened in the Department of Criminology. The track is in high demand as new students and older students within the department have voluntarily transferred to this track. The track offers additional courses, such as developmental criminology, which expands and deepens students' understanding in the field of criminology. The track allows an increase in the number of courses and fields of study within the department.

In the Criminology program for a Master's degree: The track of "Interrogation within a Criminal Investigation"

Head of the program: Prof. Galit Nahari

Criminal investigation is a major area of ​​interest in criminology, and frontal questioning is at the core of any successful investigation. The studies in the "Interrogation and Criminal Investigation" program at the Department of Criminology offers its students specific expertise in this unique field, providing them with in-depth theoretical and applied knowledge regarding information production and evaluation, the two main components of an interrogation. As part of their studies in the program, students are exposed to up-to-date evidence-based tools and techniques for collecting and assessing information in the investigation of suspects, complainants, witnesses, and victims, in addition to detecting lies, formulating truths, and establishing profiles. The studies in the program allow for a theoretical framework in the fundamentals that underlie an investigation, such as personality research, applied memory, and decision-making processes. The program combines the body of knowledge accumulated in the scientific literature with the corpus of knowledge based on experience in the field, thus giving a complete perspective on criminal investigation.

Conference on "Between the Chairs"

Gaps that result in teenagers, young men and women, to "fall between the cracks"

In December 2019, a joint conference was held between the Department of Criminology and the Elem Association. The focus of the conference was adolescents who "fall between the cracks," meaning teenagers who do not receive care due to diverse reasons, such as cultural gaps, or multiple difficulties across numerous areas, such as adolescents who are involved in risky behaviors but also require care due to mental health issues. The conference was an opportunity to think about the teenagers who fail to receive the appropriate assistance and the ways that they can be helped.

A day of study was held in memory of the late Prof. Moshe Addad on the anniversary of the first year of his passing

"Despair will leave you a prisoner, hope will set you free" on the meaning of life and hope in therapy, education, and rehabilitation

On January 22nd, 2020, a seminar was held in memory of the late Prof. Moshe Addad, Head of the Department for many years and recipient of the Israel Prize for Criminology in 2010. The seminar was held under the title "Despair will leave you a prisoner, hope will set you free": the meaning of life and hope in therapy, education, and rehabilitation. The emotional day was designed to honor Prof. Addad's work as a criminologist and lecturer, allowing current students within the department, who did not get to learn from him directly, to get to know his teachings and unique form of education in which he taught and raised many generations of students. Accordingly, lecturers, researchers, and students from different periods of time in Prof. Addad's life were selected who told about his doctrine and unique personality.


What do you do with it? Is there work for alumni of a Bachelor's degree?