Recent Publications

Prof. Galit Nahari 

Nisin, Z., Nahari, G., & Goldsmith, M. (2024). Lies divorced from context: Evidence for Context Embedded Perception (CEP) as a feasible measure for deception detection. Psychology, Crime & Law30(2), 189-205.

Prof. Sophie Walsh 

Walsh, S.D., Getahune, S. & Kogan S. (2024) Risk, resilience and family relationships among at-risk Ethiopian Immigrant youth in Israel: A focus group investigation Family Process, 63, 711-730

Cosma, A., Martin, G., de Looze, M. E., Walsh, S. D., Paakkari, L., Bilz, L., ... & Stevens, G. W. (2024). Cross-national trends in adolescents psychological and somatic complaints before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health.

de Looze, M. E., Cosma, A., Elgar, F. J., Schrijvers, K., Inchley, J., Walsh, S. D., & Stevens, G. W. (2024). Exploring mechanisms behind the increasing gender gap in adolescent psychological symptoms, 2002–2022: the role of nationallevel gender equality. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.


Prof. Natti Ronel 

Ben Yair, Y., Ohayon, S., Ronel, N., & Freedman, S. (2024). Exploring forgiveness through theologically informed education: Lessons from Judaism. Education Sciences14(9), 926.

Shavidze, S., Ronel, N., & Gueta, K. (2024). Reframing powerlessness in the addiction recovery process. Journal of Drug Issue, online.

Prof. Moshe Bensimon

Bensimon, M. (2024). Beneficial and harmful music for substance use disorder clients: Implementation of the musical presentation technique. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 102121.

Dr. Revital Naor-Ziv

Marson, F., Naor-Ziv, R., Paoletti, P., Glicksohn, J., Tadhg, H., Elliott, M.A., Carducci, F. & Ben-Soussan, T. (2024). When the body fosters empathy: the interconnectivity between bodily reactivity, meditation, and embodied abstract concepts. Progress in Brain Research

Naor-Ziv, R. (2024). Insecure attachment styles in adolescents at risk for eating disorders. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Dr. Rotem Leshem

Leshem, R., Catz, O., & Nave, A (2024). The relationship between mindfulness and impulsivity: The role of meditation. Mindfulness, 15, 1234-1251.

Leshem, R. (2024). Internal and External Crime Hot Spots: From Neural to Micro-Geographical Networks. International Annals of Criminology62(1), 56-78.

Leshem, R., & Mashal, N. (2024). What does metaphoric language say about aggression? The relationships between metaphoric language, impulsivity, and aggression. Acta Psychologica, 243, 104173.

Prof. Keren Gueta

Gueta, K., Klar-Chalamish, C., & Ullman, S. E. (2024). The process of online disclosures of interpersonal victimization: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,. 25(3) 2028–2045

Gueta, K., & Condry, R. (2024). Centering mothers in feminist  criminology: A Critical review of literature on mothers of victims and offenders. Feminist  Criminology. 19(5) 443–474

Shavidze, S., Ronel, N., & Gueta, K. (2024). Reframing Powerlessness in the Addiction Recovery Process. Journal of Drug Issues, 0(0).


Dr. Jonathan Levy

Swider-Cios E, Turk E, Levy J, Beeghly M, Vroomen J, van den Heuvel MI (2024) The association of maternal-infant interactive behavior, dyadic frontal alpha asymmetry, and maternal anxiety in a smartphone-adapted still face paradigm. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 66, 101352,

Levy J *, Kluge A, Hameiri B, Lankinen K, Bar-Tal D, Halperin E (2024) The Paradoxical Brain: Paradoxes Impact Conflict Perspectives through Increased Neural Alignment. Cerebral Cortex 34(9),

Schwartz, L., Hayut, O., Levy, J. Gordon, I, Feldman, R (2024) Sensitive infant care tunes a frontotemporal interbrain network in adolescence. Scientific Reports 14, 22602

Dr. Nathalie Klein Selle

klein Selle, N., & Ben-Shakhar, G. (2024). The effects of mental countermeasures on psychophysiological memory detection: Facilitating orientation is easy, stopping inhibition is not. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 13(2), 219–227

Mizrahi, I., & klein Selle, N. (2024) Fast & furious: Rejecting the hypothesis that secondary psychopathy improves reaction time-based concealed information detection. PLoS ONE 19(10): e0311948.