Students' Publication


טלי אנבר-פרויליך



Inbar-Frohlich, T., Bensimon, M., & Ronel, N. (2020). Families of Animal Rights Activists as a Basis of Support for Ideological Delinquency—A Phenomenological Study. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology. ‏  


The presented study examined dynamics and perceptions among family members of ideologues lawbreaking animal rights activists. In the course of the study, parents and spouses of activists were interviewed, and its findings highlighted a number of key themes: glorification of the activist, an envy directed toward elements of the activism; personal gain acquired by virtue of the relationship, as well as self-discovery which family members experienced by their exposure to activism. By using Maruna’s “redemption script” (2001), the study presents the manner by which perception of an activist as an idealist, leads his family members to construct a new narrative that qualifies transgressions based on ideology. The redemption script turns out to be bidirectional. Thus, while Maruna presented it as an aid for desisting delinquency, the study indicates that as far as it concerns breaking the law in favor of animals, it can mobilize family members to support all shades of activism. 


מורן דודיאן

Einat, T. & Davidian, M. (2019). The Meaning of Food and its uses in Prison Subculture. European Journal of Criminology, 16(2), 127-146.


This study examines the ways in which the prison service handles food and analyses the uses and meanings of food in prison subculture. Using semi-structured interviews and content analysis, data were collected and analysed from 20 ex-prisoners who were incarcerated in maximum-security prison facilities for a period of three years or more. Our main findings are that, according to the interviewees’ testimonies, (a) the Israel Prison Service (IPS) makes manipulative and abusive use of food in order to perpetuate its power; and (b) food serves as a means to determine the relationship between prisoners and staff, govern social status or rejection in the prison subculture, or pass the time. We have four main conclusions. First, the IPS nutrition policy differentiates and discriminates among prisoners and clearly violates the basic human rights of prisoners, thus suggesting an abuse of power. Second, the IPS’s use of food as a tool for punishing or rewarding introduces and perpetuates inequalities and encourages the illegal prison trade in food and food products. Third, cooking in prison, especially in light of its illegality, constitutes a symbolic expression of resistance to the institution and a meaningful way of coping with boredom. Lastly, food and its possession in prison serve as very powerful tools for constructing and perpetuating exploitation and unequal power relations among prisoners.

Although the study suffers from two limitations – the validity of the adolescents’ responses and the small sample size – its findings lead us to propose that an improvement in the food products that are accessible to prisoners and permission to cook in their cells are inexpensive and legitimate means of bettering both the prisoners’ quality of life and the social atmosphere in prison.


מורן סגין חסיד

Segin Chassid, M & Walsh, S.D. (2019) Parenting styles of immigrant fathers from the former Soviet Union Society and Welfare. Heb. ל"ט , 1, 109-135

סגנונות הורות של אבות מהגרים מברית-המועצות לשעבר, מורן סגין חסיד וסופי ד. וולש

רקע: תהליך ההגירה עשוי לערער את המבנה ואת הדינמיקה המשפחתיים. התהליך מלווה בקשיי
הסתגלות ובלחצים המשפיעים על היחסים בין כל בני המשפחה ועל המקום של כל אחד בתוך
המשפחה. מקומָם של גברים במשפחות עולות טרם נחקר דיו. המאמר הנוכחי מתמקד בדמות
האב במשפחות שעלו לישראל מברית-המועצות לשעבר, ביחסיו עם בני משפחתו, ובסגנון ההורות
של אבות למתבגרים.
שיטת המחקר: במחקר השתתפו 12 משפחות )הורים וילדיהם( שעלו לישראל מברית-המועצות
לשעבר. הממצאים נאספו באמצעות תצפיות וראיונות מובנים-למחצה עם ההורים ועם הילדים.
המחקר התבסס על תיאוריה המעוגנת בשדה כדי לבחון סגנונות שונים של אבהות במשפחות
שעלו מברית-המועצות לשעבר וליצור טיפולוגיה.
ממצאים עיקריים: ניתוח האינטראקציות והראיונות הוביל ליצירת טיפולוגיה של שלושה סגנונות
הורות של אבות במשפחות עולות מברית-המועצות לשעבר: ) 1( "דמות אב פסיבית" — האב נוכח
במשימות המשפחתיות אך אינו משתתף בהן; ) 2( "דמות אב נוכחת אך דחויה" — האב נוכח
במשימות המשפחתיות ומנסה להשתתף ולהביע דעה, אך בני המשפחה אינם מקבלים אותו ואף
מתעלמים מנוכחותו; ) 3( "דמות אב נוכחת ופעילה" — האב נוכח ומשתתף במשימות.
מסקנות והשלכות: המחקר יצר טיפולוגיה של סגנונות אבהוּת, וכך אפשר לזהות את מקומו של
האב במשפחה לאחר הגירה ואת קשייו. ממצאי המחקר מדגישים את שבריריות המעמד של אבות
לאחר הגירה, ואת החשיבות בעזרה לאבות ליצור לעצמם מקום נוכח ופעיל יותר במשפחה.


דוד פוטיק

Case Report: Pharmacotherapy and EMDR Psychotherapy as an Effective Treatment for OCD Imagery in a Patient with a Psychotic Disorder David Potik, MA, Fidaa Moghrabi, MD, and Shaul Schreiber, MD


Abstract Unlike compulsive symptoms, such as washing hands, or obsessive symptoms, such as recurring thoughts of contamination, the issue of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) imagery receives little attention in the literature. This article describes the case of a 28-year-old male who was referred to a psychiatric day care department following complaints of intrusive imagery which he had sustained for more than a decade. The symptoms started after watching a video clip of decapitation on the internet. He also complained of intrusive thoughts with both aggressive and sexual contents. The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised were used to assess his mental distress. During his stay in the day care department, he was diagnosed with a schizoaffective disorder and OCD. The patient was treated successfully with an antipsychotic medication for the psychotic disorder and concomitantly with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for the OCD. This clinical case report supports the body of knowledge on the efficacy of EMDR as an adjuvant treatment to pharmacotherapy for OCD and, specifically, for OCD imagery. In addition, it supports the growing body of evidence of the beneficial effect of EMDR therapy among patients with psychotic disorders.


Self Psychology, Risk Assessment of Individuals with Exhibitionistic Disorder and the Good Lives Model—More Than Meets the Eye David Potik & Gadi Rozenberg


This article deals with the relevance of self psychology to the risk assessment and treatment of individuals with exhibitionistic disorder. First, psychoanalytic explanations of this disorder are reviewed alongside explanations of other psychological approaches. Next, based on Heinz Kohut’s formulations, we present a developmental explanation of exhibitionistic disorder and a model which describes its dynamics. We explain how Kohut’s conceptualization of empathy as vicarious introspection can provide a better understanding of the subject’s inner world during both risk assessment and the psychotherapy of exhibitionists. Finally, we discuss the interface between self psychology and the Good Lives Model, a holistic rehabilitative approach to the offender’s lifestyle. This model may meet many of these patient’s unfulfilled mental needs and enable them to acquire the skills essential for interpersonal and social integration.

Keywords: Empathy exhibitionistic disorder Good Lives Model risk assessment self psychology


Drug Abuse and Behavioral Transgressions during Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) are Related to High Psychopathy Levels. David Potik,Yali Abramsohn,Shaul Schreiber,Miriam Adelson &Einat Peles


Introduction: Studies which used the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) among methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients focused mostly on methodological issues, without addressing its relationship to patients' misconduct during treatment. This paper tests the hypothesis that high PCL-R scores are related to high rates of drug abuse, and high numbers of behavioral transgressions in MMT during a 7-year period. Material and Methods: 107 MMT patients were recruited from a MMT clinic in Israel, and were administered the PCL-R. The questionnaires results as well as routine drug test findings were recorded between 7/2007 and 11/2007. Seven years later (7/2014), repeated drug test results were analyzed, and the number of behavioral transgressions during the entire period was computed. Results: High levels of psychopathy were related to drug test results indicating any illicit drug use, cocaine use and benzodiazepines misuse at the beginning of study, and limited to benzodiazepines misuse among patients who stayed in treatment at the 7-year follow-up. However, higher scores on different PCL-R facets were significantly associated with different types of drugs. The PCL-R's total score and all but the antisociality facet were positively correlated with a higher number of behavioral transgressions (such as, threats and/or verbal and physical aggression). Conclusions: Administration of the PCL-R during MMT may help identify patients with high illicit drug use levels and a higher chance of committing behavioral transgressions during treatment.

Keywords: PCL-RMMTillicit drug use behavioral transgressions psychopathy


תולי פלינט

Flint, T., & Elkins, Y. (2020). F-TEP: Fragmented traumatic episode protocol. Practice Innovations.


This article presents a protocol for treating recent trauma at the acute stress reaction (ASR) stage when the event is still fresh and overwhelming, and the trauma survivor does not yet have a coherent narrative. This protocol is for treating those who have endured a traumatic episode from a few hours to a few days prior. It may also help patients who suffer from a “fragmented narrative” from earlier events. The protocol incorporates a procedure for building a coherent narrative of the trauma, enabling EMDR processing while utilizing the principals of the Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (Shapiro & Laub, 2008, 2015). We present the theoretical background for the protocol, which integrates the narrative approach, the R-TEP protocol and the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model. A description of the protocol, its differences from the classic EMDR R-TEP, and case studies are presented. Keywords: acute stress reaction, military trauma, EMDR, early intervention, narrative therapy


אינה פונקו

Yacknich, L., Pounko, I. & Walsh, S.D., (2019). The hidden matrix: Perspectives of youth and their parents on immigration and youth delinquent behavior Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology

Immigrant youth delinquency may be associated with developmental, familial, social, and
immigration-specific factors; however, scarce studies have examined the perspectives of both
parents and their children as to the reasons for involvement in delinquent behavior. This study
examines the extent to which immigration-related stressors may be associated with delinquent
behavior of immigrant adolescents from the Former Soviet Union in Israel, from the perspectives
of both young people and their parents. In-depth interviews with 10 male delinquent immigrant
mid-late adolescents, aged 16 to 21 years, and their parents (eight mothers and two fathers)
were conducted (N = 20). Phenomenological analysis highlighted the immigration experience
as a hidden matrix within which dynamics associated with delinquency evolved. These dynamics
involved situational factors (age, financial hardships, and social norms related to child-rearing),
social factors (peer pressure and wish to be socially accepted), familial factors (stress experienced
by the family, parental unavailability, and insufficient parental capabilities), and personality factors
(sensation-seeking, desire for self-direction, emotion dysregulation, weak character, and inborn
inclination to problematic behavior). While few participants directly address the immigration
process, it can be considered the backdrop or matrix within which these factors are evolving.
Implications for prevention on personal, familial, and society levels are discussed.


ניר רוזמן

Rozmann, N., & Nahari, G. (2020). The influence of suspect ethnicity and evidence direction on alibi credibility assessment. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34, 1516-1521.


We investigated whether evidence direction (incriminating versus exonerating) moderated the influence of intergroup bias on alibi credibility assessments. IsraeliJewish participants (n = 160) assessed the credibility of an alibi statement provided by either an IsraeliJewish or an IsraeliArab suspect. Along with the alibi statement, half of the participants were presented with incriminating evidence, while the other half were presented with exonerating evidence. The results indicated that evidence direction influenced credibility assessment regarding both ingroup and outgroup suspects. Specifically, under incriminating evidence, IsraeliJewish suspects were perceived as more deceptive than IsraeliArab suspects, whereas under exonerating  evidence, no such differences were found. These results emphasize the significance of group bias in assessing the credibility of alibi statements


.Rozmann, N., & Levy, I. (2019). Attribution of blame toward offenders: victim and offender ethnicity, and observer ethnic and religious background. Journal of Interpersonal Violenc


 among Christian Arabs (n = 51), Muslim Arabs (n = 249), and Jews (n = 285). The participants were students from several Israeli universities and colleges. The age range was 18 to 33 years (M = 20.23, SD = 2.67), and the majority were female (75.6%). The participants read a version of a vignette describing a case of a stabbing, and then rated the offender’s blame. In different versions of the crime scenario, we manipulated victim and offender ethnicity: two victim (Arab/Jewish) and three offender (African/Arab/Jewish) types. The results indicate that, in general, participants blamed African offenders more than Arab or Jewish offenders. Although the results show that differences in offender blaming between Arab and Jewish participants were not statistically significant, there is an interaction between participant cultural background and victim ethnicity in regard to offender blaming: Participants attributed more blame to offenders who stabbed a victim belonging to the same ethnic group as the participants. Overall, the results support defensive attribution theory, suggesting that observer attitudes toward offenders tend to be affected by similarity in ethnic affiliation. The discussion addresses the findings through the perspectives of cultural reciprocity, defensive attribution theory, and minority threat theory. It also acknowledges the limitations related to the specific cultural and geopolitical context of this research. Practical implications for practitioners and policymakers include training and increased ethnic diversity among professionals and experts working within the criminal justice system.