פרסומים אחרונים Recent Publications

פרופ' גלית נהרי                       Prof. Galit Nahari 

Nisin, Z., Nahari, G., & Goldsmith, M. (2024). Lies divorced from context: Evidence for Context Embedded Perception (CEP) as a feasible measure for deception detection. Psychology, Crime & Law30(2), 189-205.

פרופ' סופי וולש                    Prof. Sophie Walsh 

Walsh, S.D., Getahune, S. & Kogan S. (2024) Risk, resilience and family relationships among at-risk Ethiopian Immigrant youth in Israel: A focus group investigation Family Process, 63, 711-730

Cosma, A., Martin, G., de Looze, M. E., Walsh, S. D., Paakkari, L., Bilz, L., ... & Stevens, G. W. (2024). Cross-national trends in adolescents psychological and somatic complaints before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health.

de Looze, M. E., Cosma, A., Elgar, F. J., Schrijvers, K., Inchley, J., Walsh, S. D., & Stevens, G. W. (2024). Exploring mechanisms behind the increasing gender gap in adolescent psychological symptoms, 2002–2022: the role of nationallevel gender equality. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.


פרופ' נתי רונאל                       Prof. Natti Ronel 

Ben Yair, Y., Ohayon, S., Ronel, N., & Freedman, S. (2024). Exploring forgiveness through theologically informed education: Lessons from Judaism. Education Sciences14(9), 926.

Shavidze, S., Ronel, N., & Gueta, K. (2024). Reframing powerlessness in the addiction recovery process. Journal of Drug Issue, online.

פרופ' משה בן סימון       Prof. Moshe Bensimon

Bensimon, M. (2024). Beneficial and harmful music for substance use disorder clients: Implementation of the musical presentation technique. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 102121.

דר' רויטל נאור-זיו              Dr. Revital Naor-Ziv

Marson, F., Naor-Ziv, R., Paoletti, P., Glicksohn, J., Tadhg, H., Elliott, M.A., Carducci, F. & Ben-Soussan, T. (2024). When the body fosters empathy: the interconnectivity between bodily reactivity, meditation, and embodied abstract concepts. Progress in Brain Research

Naor-Ziv, R. (2024). Insecure attachment styles in adolescents at risk for eating disorders. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

דר' רותם לשם                      Dr. Rotem Leshem

Leshem, R., Catz, O., & Nave, A (2024). The relationship between mindfulness and impulsivity: The role of meditation. Mindfulness, 15, 1234-1251.

Leshem, R. (2024). Internal and External Crime Hot Spots: From Neural to Micro-Geographical Networks. International Annals of Criminology62(1), 56-78.

Leshem, R., & Mashal, N. (2024). What does metaphoric language say about aggression? The relationships between metaphoric language, impulsivity, and aggression. Acta Psychologica, 243, 104173.

פרופ' קרן גואטה                    Prof. Keren Gueta

Gueta, K., Klar-Chalamish, C., & Ullman, S. E. (2024). The process of online disclosures of interpersonal victimization: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,. 25(3) 2028–2045

Gueta, K., & Condry, R. (2024). Centering mothers in feminist  criminology: A Critical review of literature on mothers of victims and offenders. Feminist  Criminology. 19(5) 443–474

Shavidze, S., Ronel, N., & Gueta, K. (2024). Reframing Powerlessness in the Addiction Recovery Process. Journal of Drug Issues, 0(0).


דר' יהונתן לוי                     Dr. Jonathan Levy

Swider-Cios E, Turk E, Levy J, Beeghly M, Vroomen J, van den Heuvel MI (2024) The association of maternal-infant interactive behavior, dyadic frontal alpha asymmetry, and maternal anxiety in a smartphone-adapted still face paradigm. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 66, 101352,

Levy J *, Kluge A, Hameiri B, Lankinen K, Bar-Tal D, Halperin E (2024) The Paradoxical Brain: Paradoxes Impact Conflict Perspectives through Increased Neural Alignment. Cerebral Cortex 34(9),

Schwartz, L., Hayut, O., Levy, J. Gordon, I, Feldman, R (2024) Sensitive infant care tunes a frontotemporal interbrain network in adolescence. Scientific Reports 14, 22602