קורות חיים
Tomer Einat
CURRENT POSITION EDUCATION 2013-2014 - Visitor fellow, Institution of criminology, University of Cambridge, UK. 2002 - Post-Doctoral Research, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, the University of Maryland 2001 - Ph.D., Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. 1997 - MA., Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. 1992 - BA., The Departments of Criminology, Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. .
2018-present - Directorate member, The Israeli Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority. 2017-present - Professional Counselor – Alternatives to Incarceration Board, Ministry of Law. 2017-present - Member of the academic board - Glimpse to Prison Journal 2016-present - Professional Counselor – The Academic Advisory Forum for the Israeli Police Commissioner 2016-2017 - Professional councler, The Public Administration for the Preparation of the Israeli National Outline Program for Prisons. The Israeli Ministry of Finance, Planning Administration, Budgeting and Management Department. AlephBet Planners LTD. 2016-2017 - The American Society of Criminology Subarea Chair for the Corrections Section under the Criminal Justice Policy and Practice area 2015 - Chairman, The Israeli Society of Criminology. 2013 - present: Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences. 2012 - present: Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Political Science, Law and International Relations. 2012 - present: Editorial Board Member: Journal of Political Science, Law and International Relations. 2012 - Professional counselor: The Dorner committee for the examination of the punitive policy in Israel 2010 - present; Member of the Israeli Inmates' Rehabilitation Authority Research Committee. 2009 - present; Member of the Israeli Prison Service, "Neve-Tirza" Female Prison Steering Committee. 2009 - present; Member of the Israeli Prison Service Research Committee. 2007 - present; Lecturer, Department of Criminology, Bar-Ilan University. 2005 - present; Member of the Punishment and Incarceration Committee, the Israeli Society of Criminology 2003 - 2010 - Senior lecturer, Department of Criminology, Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee. 2003 - 2006 - Senior lecturer, Division of Criminology and criminal justice, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Emek Yezreel College. 2003 - 2006 - Teacher, Institute of Criminology, Department of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 2001 - 2002 - Research Fellow, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland. 2000 - 2001 - Lecturer, Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. 1997 - 2001 - Teaching Assistant, Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. 1996 - 2001 - Head of the Criminology Department, Bar-Ilan University, Zefat Academic College, Zefat, Israel. 1996 - 2001 - Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University, Zefat Academic College, Zefat, Israel. 1995 - 2001 - Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University, Judah and Samaria Academic College. 1995 - 1997 - Lecturer, the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 1995 - 1996 - Lecturer, University of South Africa (UNISA), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Penology
- Criminal Justice
- Male and Female Prisons
- Intermediate Sanctions and Alternatives to Incarceration
- Women and crime
- Learning disabilities and Criminal Behavior
- Human Rights and Health Rights of Prisoners
2003-2006: Introduction to Sociology
2003-2008: Community and crime
2005-2009: Total institutions
2007-2009: Judgment, punishment, and rehabilitation
2005-2010: Introduction to Criminology
2003-present: Alternatives to imprisonment
2006-present: Israeli prisons: An outside and inside overview
2007-present The Israeli Prison System: Between Theory and Practice
1997-2001: Issues regarding law enforcement
2001: Imprisonment and its implications - theory and practice
2009-2010: The Criminal Enforcement System and crime prevention
2009-present: Theory and practice regarding the Penal System
2013-present: Women Criminality
2013-present: Advanced Theories in Criminology
2019-present: The Judgement, sentencing, treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders
1. Einat, T. (2005). Incarcerated language: The life and words between the prison walls. Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem: Shoken Publishers.
2. Einat, A. & Einat, T. (2007). Accusation script: Learning disabilities, school truancy, and delinquency. Tel-Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad Pubishing House.
3. Cabalion, G., Einat, T., Shavit, G. & Shoham, S. G. (2009). Crimes and Punishments: An introduction to penology and criminal justice. Kiriat-Bialik: Ach Publishing House.
4. Einat, T. & Einat, A. (Eds.) (2009). Voices from within the prison walls: Anthology of prisoners' works. Jerusalem: Carmel Publishing House.
5. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2010). Women's prison: The backyard of Israeli society. Tel-Aviv: Resling Publishing House.
6. Einat, T. & Malki, S. (2016). The Inclusion and its Breakdown. Glilit Publishing house.
1. Einat, T. (2002). Imposition and enforcement of criminal fines in Israel. In: G. Carley (Ed.), MBU International note - use and enforcement of fines. UK Home Office: Research Development Statistics, Ministerial Briefing Unit.
2. Einat, T. (2005). Soldiers, sausages, and deep sea diving: Language, culture and coping in Israeli prisons. In: A. Liebling & S. Maruna (Eds.), The effects of imprisonment (pp. 285-305). Callompton, Devon: Willan Publishing.
3. Crewe, B. & Einat, T. (2007). Argot. In: Y. Jewkes & J. Bennett (Eds.), Dictionary of prisons and punishment (pp. 16-17). Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing (A peer-reviewed entry).
4. Einat, T. (2007). Homosexuality in prison. In: Y. Jewkes & J. Bennett (Eds.), Dictionary of prisons and punishment (pp. 121-122). Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing (A peer-reviewed entry).
5. Einat, T. The history of fines. In: D. Weisburd (Ed.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. New York: Springer.
6. Einat, T. (2014). Sex in prison: International contexts. In: C. D. Marcum & T. L. Castle (Eds.), Sex in prison: Myths and Realities. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
7. Einat, T. Love, warmth, and sexual gratification or, rather, manipulation of power and abuse: Female inmates' attitudes toward same-sex sexualrelationships in a maximum-security prison. In: F. Columbus (Ed.), Prisons, population, health conditions and recidivism. Nova Science Publishers, Inc (In Press).
8. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2016). Physical and Mental Health Issues of Israeli Women Inmates. In: C. Reeves (Ed.), Experiencing Imprisonment. London, UK: Routledg3.
9. Einat, T. & Becker, G. Crime and punishment in Israel. In: W. G. Jennings (Ed.), The encyclopedia of crime and punishment. Wiley-Blackwell (In Press).
10. Einat, T. Conjugal Visits. In: R. Kerley., H. Copes., S. De Li., J. Lane & S. Sharp (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Corrections. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell (In Press).
11. Einat, T. Experiences of male partners of female prisoners. In: M. Hutton & D. Moran (eds.), Handbook of prison and the family. London: Palgrave MacMillan (invited chapter) (in press).
1. Einat, T. (1999). The Israeli prison argot - a central characteristic of the prison subculture. Society and Welfare, 19, 337-358.
2. Einat, T. (1999). How effective is criminal fine enforcement in the Israeli criminal justice system? Israel Law Review, 33, 322-338.
3. Einat, T. (2000). Inmate argot as an expression of prison subculture: The Israeli case. The Prison Journal, 80, 309-325.
4. Einat, T. (2002). Criminal fine enforcement in Israel: Administration, difficulties, and recommendations. Bar Ilan Law Studies, 19(1), 167-204.
5. Einat, T. (2002). Shock-incarceration programs in the Israeli sanctioning policy: Toward a new mode of punishment. Israel Law Review, 36(1), 147-177.
6. Einat, T. (2004). Criminal fine enforcement in Israel: Administration, policy, evaluation, and recommendations. Punishment & Society, 6(2), 175-194.
7. Einat, T. (2005). The attitudes and practices of Israeli adult probation officers regarding the use of the criminal fine. The Prison Journal, 80(2), 204-222.
8. Einat, T. & Wall, A. (2006). Language, culture, and behavior in prison: The Israeli case. The Asian Journal of Criminology, 1(2), 173-189.
9. Einat, T. & Einat, A. (2007). Learning disabilities among Israeli adult male inmates. Glimpse into Prison, 11, 52-63.
10. Einat, T. & Einat, A. (2007). Learning disabilities and delinquency: A study of Israeli prison inmates. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 52(4), 416-434.
11. Einat, T. (2008). Sentencing rationales, judicial discretion, and the practices of criminal fines in Israel. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36(5), 444-452.
12. Einat, T. & Einat, A. (2008). Difficulties in reading-writing abilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among Israeli prison inmates: An exploratory study. Society & Welfare, 28(2-3), 247-267.
13. Einat, T. & Einat, A. (2008). Systematic disabilities of learning disabilities: A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the relations between learning disabilities, school dropout, and criminal behavior. Issues in Special Education and inclusion, 23(2), 5-18 ordered financial obligations. Criminology & Public Policy, 7(1), 9-36.
14. Weisburd, D., Einat, T. & Kowalski, M. (2008). The miracle of the cells: An experimental study of interventions to increase payment of court ordered financial obligations. Criminology & Public Policy, 7(1), 9-36.
15. Chen, G. & Einat, T. (2009). Criminal patterns and drug addiction among female-inmates. Glimpse into Prison, 12, 50-61.
16. Einat, T. (2009). Inmate harassment and rape: An exploratory study of seven maximum- and medium-security male prisons in Israel. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 53(6), 648-664.
17. Weisburd, D., Einat, T. & Kowalski, M. (2009). Does deterrence work after all? The threat of incarceration as a means of increasing payment of court-ordered financial obligations. Glimpse into Prison, 12, 86-103.
18. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2010). To be silent or not to be silent - this is the question: Gossip and informers among female-prison inmates. Glimps into Prison, 13, 15-31.
19. Einat, T. & Herzog, S. (2011). Understanding the relationship between perceptions of crime seriousness and recommended punishment: An exporatory comparison of adults and adolescents. Criminal Justice Series: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law, and Society, 24(1), 3-21.
20. Einat, T., Parchev, O., Litvin, A., Michaeli, A. & Zelikovich, G. (2011). Letting the fox guard the chicken coop: Oversight, transparency, and violation of human rights in the Israeli penal system. Criminal Justice Series: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law, and Society, 24(3), 255-268.
21. Lallo, M. & Einat, T. (2011). To punish or not to punish: Students' attitudes toward the punishment of offenders. Glimpse into Prison, 14, 199-213.
22. Einat, T. & Herzog, S. (2011). A new perspective for delinquency: Culture conflict measured by seriousness perceptions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55, 1072-1095.
23. Einat, T. (2011). Inmates say 'no' to homosexual relationships in prison: An exploratory study. Israeli Criminology, 1, 55-88.
24. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2012). Female inmates' perspectives toward consensual same-sex sexual relationships in an Israeli prison. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 36(1), 25-44.
25. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2012). Gossip in a mzximum-security female prison - an exploratory study. Women and Criminal Justice, 22(2), 108-134.
26. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2012). What's love got to do with it? Sex in a female maximum-security prison. The Prison Journal, 92(4), 484-505.
27. Einat, T. (2013). Rape and consensual sex in male Israeli prisons: Are there differences with Western prisons? The Prison Journal, 93(1), 80-101.
28. Einat, T. Correctional boot camps: A proposal for an innovative change in the Israeli punitive system policy. Criminality and Social Deviance. (In Press).
29. Einat, T. The subculture of Israeli jails: Customs, values, behavioral codes, and lingo. Criminality and Social Deviance. (In Press).
30. Einat, T. & Livnat, Z. (2013). Words, Values, and identities: The Israeli argot (jargon) of prisoners. Israeli Studies in Language and Society, 6(1): 31-58.
31. Einat, T. & Rabinovitz, S. (2013). A warm touch in a cold cell: Inmates' views of conjugal visits in a maximum-security women's prison in Israel. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57(12): 1522-1545.
32. Einat, T. & Einat, A. (2015). To learn or not to learn - this is the question: Learning disabled inmates' attitudes toward school, scholastic experiences, and onset of criminal behavior. The Prison Journal, 95(4), 423-448.
33. Einat, T., Ben-Simon, M. & Gilboaa, A. (2015). The impact of relaxing music on prisoners' level of anxiety and anger. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(4): 406-423.
34. Einat, T., Aviram, I. & Rabinovitz, S. (2015). Barred from each other: Why normative husbands remain married to incarcerated wives - an exploratory study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(6), 654-679.
35. Malki, S. & Einat, T. (2015). The inclusion and its breakdown: Major problems regarding the integration of learning-disabled pupils in regular educational frameworks. Dapim, 60: 170-198.
36. Einat, T. & Michaeli, N. (2015). Justice, justice you shall pursue: THe relationship between participation in altruistic and anonymous acts of grace and abstention from criminal behavior among adolescents at risk. Glimpse to Prison, 17, 88-105.
37. Einat, T. (2015). The Wounded Healer: Self-Rehabilitation of Prisoners through Providing Care and Support to Physically and Mentally Challenged Inmates. Journal of Crime and Justice, 40(2), 1-18.
38. Einat, T. & Herzog, S. (2016). Moral judgment, crime seriousnessm and the relations betweenthem: An exploratory study. Crime & Delinquency, 62(4), 470-500
39. Einat, T., Parchev, O., Litvin, A., Michaeli, A. & Zelokovich, G. (2016). Oversight and transparency in the Israeli penal system. The Prison Journal, 96(2), 167-190.
40. Zemel, O., Ronel, N. & Einat, T. (2016). The impact of introspection and resilience on abstention and desistance from delinquent behavior among adolescents at risk. The European Journal of Criminology, 13(1), 111-128.
41. Einat, T., Einat, A., Gura, M. & Segev, A. (May 2016). No illiterate or poor-reader Prisoner should be left behind: Teaching Non-Native Criminal Prisoners to Read through Cognitive Processing of Emotions. Journal of Correctional Education.
42. Michaeli, N. & Einat. T. (2016). Personal development and empowerment of adolescents at-risk by way of altruistic and anonymous activity: A qualitative perspective. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(1): 73-88.
43. Einat, T. & Chen, G. (2017). To punish or not to punish - that is the question: Attitudes of criminology and criminal justice students in Israel toward punishment. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(3), 347-367
44. Einat, T., Einat, A., Gura, M. & Segev, A. (2017). The impact of bibliodidactics on success in learning to read among non-native criminal inmates. The Prison Journal, 97(4), 475-495.
45. Einat, T., Einat, A., Gura, M., & Segev, A. (2017). From Genesis to Leviticus (to Reading): The Impact of Bibliodidactics on Success in Learning to Read among Criminal Inmates. Israeli Criminology, 6: 183-205.
46. Heller, R. & Einat, T. (2017). Does peer-mentoring assist in self-medication? A qualitative analysis of the attitudes of mentor-prisoners working in a unique "mind and body" prison center. Israeli Criminology, 6: 121-150.
45. Einat, T. & Malki, S. (2018). To include or not to include – this is the question: Attitudes of inclusive teachers in Israel toward the inclusion of pupils with learning disabilities in elementary schools. Education Citizenship and Social Justice, 13(1): 65-80.
48.Hukugli, Z., Einat, T. & Liebling, A. (2018). Rhizomatic spaces and the therapeutic potential of music in prison: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 15(1): 1-28.
49. Einat, T., Einat, A., Gura, M. & Segev, A. (2018). Prisoners reading themselves: The perceived impact of the personal story – as a tool for learning reading – on the emotional and social world of illiterate prisoners. Dapim, 68, 165-190.
50. Sulliman, N. & Einat, T. (2018). Does work-stress change personalities? Working in prison as a personality-changing factor among correctional officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45(5), 628-643.
51. Einat, T. & Davidian, M. The Meaning of Food and its uses in Prison Subculture. European Journal of Criminology. DOI.org/10.1177/1477370818769258.
52. Zemel, O., Ronel, N. & Einat, T. Criminal spin, self-control and the desistance from crime among juvenile delinquents: Determinism versus free will in a qualitative perspective. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. DOI: 10.1177/0306624x18781208.
53. Einat, T. & Moshe, K. Anaconda, Jet Fuel, White Robes, and Miaow Miaow: The Argot of Women Prisoners. The Prison Journal (In Press).
54. Einat, T. & Sulliman, N. Prison Changed Me – And I Just Work There!: Personality Changes Among Prison Officers. The Prison Journal (In Press).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 12/03/2025