קורות חיים
Prof. Galit Nahari is the dean of the Social Sciences Faculty at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and the editor of Legal and Criminological Psychology. Her main research interests are legal and investigative decision-making, applied memory, detection of deception and investigative interviewing. As part of it, she develops interrogation and lie-detection methods (prime example is the Verifiability Approach), examines their validity and suitability in different contexts, and their vulnerability to judgmental biases. A major part of her research further focuses on the cognitive processes underlies credibility and veracity assessments, as well as on individual differences which impact these assessments.
- גילוי שקרים ורמייה
- קבלת החלטות בתחום הפורנסי
- הטיות קוגניטיביות והבדלים אינדיבידואליים בהערכת אמינותם של עדים
- פיתוח ותיקוף של שיטות לגילוי שקרים (בעיקר, שיטות מבוססות תוכן)
- גורמים מתערבים בתהליכים (שיטתיים ולא שיטתיים) של גילוי שקרים והערכת אמינותם של עדים
- זכרון יישומי
- זיהוי ידע מוכמן (ידע מפליל)
- אסטרטגיות של דוברי שקר
- ניטור מציאות בינאישי
- גישת פוטנציאל האימות
Nisin, Z., Nahari, G, & Goldsmith, M. (2024). Lies divorced from context: evidence for Context Embedded Perception (CEP) as a feasible measure for deception detection. Psychology, Crime & Law. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2022.2078825
Nisin, Z., & Nahari, G. (2023). Applied cognitive science in Israel: From research to operational manuals. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 12, 376 – 379.
Nahari G. (2023). Meta-Research Perspectives on Verbal Lie Detection. Brain Sciences, 13, 392 - 399.
Chandler, D., Vrij, A., Vernham, Z., Nahari, G., Fisher, R.P., Leal, S., & Mather, R.A.C. (2023). ‘Drawing to conclusion’: The effect of sketching recall methods to enhance information-gathering and cues to deceit." Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37, 1094 - 1112.
Rozmann, N., & Nahari, G. (2022). Credibility assessment in context: The influence of intergroup bias and the context of the crime. Psychology, Crime & Law, 28, 454 - 469.
Bogaard, G., Meijer, E. H., Vrij, A. & Nahari, G. (2022) Detecting deception using comparable truth baselines. Psychology, Crime & Law, DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2022.2030334
Bogaard, G., Nußbaum, M., Schlaudt, L.S., Meijer, E.H., Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2022). A comparable truth baseline improves truth/lie detection. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Vrij, A.; Leal, S., Mann, M., Vernham, Z., Dalton, G., Serok-Jeppa, O., Rozmann, N., Nahari, G., & Fisher, R.P. (2021). Please tell me all you remember”: A comparison between British’ and Arab’ interviewees’ free narrative performance and its consequences for lie detection. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 28, 546 - 559.Palena, N., Caso, L., Vrij, A. & Nahari, G. (2021). The Verifiability Approach: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 10, 155 – 166.
Rozmann, N. & Nahari, G. (2021): Credibility assessments of alibi accounts: the role of cultural intergroup bias. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. DOI: 10.1080/13218719.2021.1938274
Nahari, G. & Nisin, Z. (accepted). The Verifiability Approach for distinguishing lies from truths. In Y. Idisis, L. Cohen-Raz, & P. Silfen. Clinical Criminology in Israel: Theory, Research and Clinic.
Vrij, M.L., Jupe, L.M, Leal, S. Vernham, Z., & Nahari, G. (2020). Analyzing openly recorded pre-interview deliberations to detect deceit in collective interviews, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34, 132 - 141.
Vernham, Z., Vrij, A., & Nahari, G., Leal, S., Mann, S., & Satchell, L., Orthey, R. (2020). Applying the verifiability approach to deception detection in alibi witness situations. Acta Psychologica, 204, 1 – 14.
Rozmann, N. & Nahari, G. (2020). The influence of suspect ethnicity and evidence direction on alibi credibility assessment. Applied Cognitive Psychology; 36, 1516 – 1521.
Vrij, A., Nahari, G. & Fisher, R.P. (2020) Cognitive credibility assessment and the verifiability approach: Two lie detection tools to elicit or enhance verbal cues to deceit. In: R. Horselenberg, V. Van Koppen & J. de Keijser (Eds.) Bakens in de rechtspsychologe: Liber amicorum voor Peter van Koppen [Beacons in legal psychology: Liber amicorum for Peter van Koppen] (pp. 477-490). The Hague, The Netherlands: Boom criminologie.
Nahari, G., & Nisin, Z. (2019). Digging further into the Speech of Liars: Future Research Prospects in Verbal Lie Detection, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:56.
Nahari, G., Ashkenazi, T., Fisher, R.P., Granhag, P.A., Hershkovitz, I., Masip, J., Meijer, E., Nisin, Z., Sarid, N., Taylor, P.J, Verschuere, B., Vrij, A. (2019). “Language of Lies”: Urgent issues and prospects in verbal lie detection research. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 24, 1- 23.
*Free access: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/lcrp.12148
Nahari, G. & Vrij, A. (2019). The Verifiability Approach: Advances, challenges and future prospects. In R. Bull, & I. Blandón-Gitlin (Eds.). Handbook of legal and investigative psychology (pp. 212-223). London: Routledge
Jupe, L.M., Vrij, A., Leal,S., & Nahari, G. (2019). Fading lies: Applying the verifiability approach after a period of delay. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 1 - 16.
Leal, S., Vrij, A., Vernham, Z., Dalton, G., Jupe, L.M., Nahari, G., Rozmann, N. (2019). Using the model statement to elicit verbal differences between truth tellers and liars amongst Arab interviewees: A partial replication of Leal, Vrij, Deeb and Jupe (2018), Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33, 1008-1017.
Nahari, G. (2019). Verifiability approach: Applications in different judgmental settings. In T. Docan-Morgan (Ed.). The Handbook of Deceptive Communication (pp. 213 – 225). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vrij, A. & Nahari, G. (2019). The Verifiability Approach In J. J. Dickinson, N. Schreiber Compo, R. Carol, B. L. Schwartz, & M. McCauley (eds.) Evidence-Based Investigative Interviewing (pp. 116- 133). New York: Routledge.
Nahari, G. (2018). Reality Monitoring in the Forensic Context: Digging Deeper into the Speech of Liars. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 7, 432-440.
Harvey, A. C., Vrij, A., Sarikas, G., Leal, S., Jupe, L., & Nahari, G. (2018). Extending the Verifiability Approach framework: The effect of initial questioning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32, 787-804
Leal, S., Vrij, A., Vernham, Z., Dalton, G., Jupe, L.M., Harvey, A., & Nahari, G. (2018). Cross-cultural verbal deception. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 23, 192-213.
Jupe, L. M., Leal, S; Vrij, A., & Nahari, G. (2018). Are you for real? The use of unexpected process questions within the detection of identity deception. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32, 622-634.
McCarthy, R. J., Skowronski, J. J., Verschuere, B., Meijer, E. H., Jim, A., Hoogesteyn, K., …Nahari,G.... & Barbosa, F. (2018). Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1, 321 - 336.
Verschuere, B., Meijer, E. H., Jim, A., Hoogesteyn, K., Orthey, R., McCarthy, R. J., ….Nahari, G... & Barbosa, F. (2018). Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1, 299-317.
Nahari, G. (2018). The applicability of the verifiability approach to the Real world. In J. P. Rosenfeld (Ed.), Detecting Concealed Information and Deception: Recent Developments (pp. 329 - 349). London: Elsevier
Nahari, G. (2017). Top-down processes in interpersonal reality monitoring (RM) assessments. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 23, 232 - 242.
Kleinberg, B., Nahari, G., Arntz, A., & Verschuere, B. (2017). An investigation of the detectability of false intent about flying. Collabra: Psychology, 3: 21, 1 – 14.
Jupe, L. M., Leal, S; Vrij, A., & Nahari, G. (2017). Applying the Verifiability Approach in an International Airport Setting. Psychology, Crime and Law, 23, 812
Harvey, C. H., Vrij, A., Leal, S., Lafferty, M., Nahari, G. (2017). Insurance-Based Lie Detection: Enhancing the Verifiability Approach with a Model Statement Component. Acta Psychologica, 174, 1- 8.
Vrij, A., & Nahari, G. (2017). Verbal lie detection. In P. A. Granhag, R. Bull, A. Shaboltas, & E. Dozortseva (Eds.), Psychology and law in Europe: When West Meets East (pp. 263 - 282). London: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).
Harvey, A. C., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., & Ludwig, K. (2017). Applying the Verifiability Approach to insurance claims settings: Exploring the effect of the information protocol. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 22, 47 - 59.
Nahari, G. (2016). When the long road is the shortcut: A comparison between two coding methods for content-based lie detection tools. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 22, 1000-1014.
Leal, S., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., Geven, L, & Mann, S. (2016). Please be Honest and Provide Evidence: Deterrents of Deception in an Online Insurance Fraud Context. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 768 - 774.
Vrij, A., Nahari, G., Isitt, R., & Leal, S. (2016). Using the verifiability lie detection approach in an insurance claim setting. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 13, 183–197.
Jupe, L. M., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., Leal, S., & Mann, S. (2016). The lies we live: Using the Verifiability Approach to detect lying about occupation. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 13, 1 - 13.
Nahari, G. (2016). Advances in lie detection: limitations and potential for investigating allegations of abuse. In R. Burnett (Ed.), Vilified: Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2015). Systematic errors (biases) in applying verbal lie detection tools: Richness in detail as a test case. Crime Psychology Review, 1, 98 - 107.
Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2015). Can someone fabricate verifiable details when planning in advance? It all depends on the crime scenario. Psychology, Crime and Law, 21, 987 - 999.
Nahari, G., & Pazuelo, M. (2015). Telling a convincing story: Richness in detail as a function of gender and information. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4, 363 - 367.
Nahari, G., Sheinfeld, V., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2015). Serial reproduction of traumatic events: does the chain unravel?. Cognitive processing, 16, 111-120.
Nahari, G., Vrij, A., Leal, S., Warmelink, L., & Vernham, Z. (2014). Did somebody see it? Applying the verifiability approach to insurance claims interviews, Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 11, 237 – 243.
Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2014). Can I Borrow Your Alibi? The Applicability of the Verifiability Approach to the Case of an Alibi Witness, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 3, 89 - 94.
Nahari, G., Vrij, A., & Fisher, R. P. (2014). The verifiability approach: Countermeasures facilitate its ability to uncover lies. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 122 - 128.
Nahari, G., Vrij, A. (2014). Are you as good as me at telling a story? Individual differences in interpersonal reality-monitoring. Psychology, Crime and Law, 20, 573 - 583.
Nahari, G., Vrij, A., & Fisher, R. P. (2014). Exploiting liars’ verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 19, 227 - 239.
Nahari, G. & Ben-Shakhar, G. (2013). Primacy effect in credibility judgments: The vulnerability of verbal cues to biased interpretations. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 247-255.
Nahari, G., Vrij, A., & Fisher, R. P. (2012). Does the truth come out in the writing? SCAN as a lie detection tool. Law and Human Behavior, 36, 68-76.
Nahari, G. (2012). Elaborations on credibility judgments by professional lie detectors and laypersons: strategies of judgment and justification. Psychology, Crime and Law, 18, 567-577.
Nahari, G. (2012). Individual differences between judges in credibility judgments of testimonies. In R. Peled-Laskov, E. Shoham, & M. Carmon (Eds), False convictions: Philosophical, organizational and psychological aspects (pp. 229-239). Tel-Aviv: Perlstein-Ginosar (Hebrew).
Nahari, G. & Ben-Shakhar, G. (2011). Psychophysiological and behavioral measures for detecting concealed information: The role of memory for crime details. Psychophysiology, 48, 733-875.
Nahari, G., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2010). Credibility judgments of narratives: Language, plausibility and absorption. American Journal of Psychology, 123, 319–335.
Nahari, G. (2010). Credibility judgments: Biases which are inherent in the judge. Social Issues in Israel, 10, 6-27. (Hebrew).
Nahari, G. (2010). Cigarette smoking motives among Israeli young smokers: The role of personality and smoking level. Megamot, 47, 254-276. (Hebrew).
Nahari, G., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2009). Do textual features affect credibility judgment? It all depends on who is the Judge. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 288-295.
Nahari, G. (2008). The role of perspective-taking in credibility judgments. In E. Avram (Ed.), Psychology in a positive world: Resources for personal, organizational, and social development (pp. 77-86). Bucharest: University Press.
Glicksohn, J., & Nahari, G. (2007). Interacting personality traits? Smoking as a test case. European Journal of Personality, 21, 225-234.
Hazani, M., & Nahari, G. (2003). Social organization, intergenerational ties, and juvenile delinquency. International Review of Sociology, 13, 3-20.
Bitan, M., Nahari, G., Nisin, Z., Roth, A., & Kraus, S. (2017). Psychologically based Virtual-Suspect for Interrogative Interview Training. In International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 402-406). Springer International Publishing.
Bitan, M., Nahari, G., Nisin, Z., Roth, A., & Kraus, S. (2016). Psychologically based Virtual-Suspect for Interrogative Interview Training (Short paper in IVA, 2016).
Kleinberg, B, Nahari, G., & Verschuere , B. (2016). Using the verifiability of details as a test of deception: A conceptual framework for the automation of the verifiability approach. Proceeding of NAACL-HLT 2016, 18–25.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 19/11/2024